Sunday, January 31, 2010

Licence Plate Letter Colour Ontario

Diagnostics battery charging system on a motorcycle

The mission of the system to load a motorcycle,
converting mechanical energy (movement engine) into electrical energy. The latter is to be used to charge a battery, which will provide the necessary power to all electrical equipment.
elements necessary for such conversion are: an alternator, a rectifier and a
voltage regulator. Any of these parties may fail and when it does
various anomalies are observed.
To determine where the problem, we must do some tests and we'll
a voltmeter that responds to effective or true RMS value, since a common tester would give false indications.
Voltage Typical values \u200b\u200bare:
nominal battery voltage with the engine off, contact closed and lights off, more than 12 volts and less than 13 volts.

nominal battery voltage
tension is measured at the battery terminals when the motorcycle is stopped, out of touch
and Lights The first step do is check the battery nominal voltage. If you measure below the above, we can assume that there is a problem:
voltage regulator. electrical installation
As a first measure is to withdraw from the bike and load it with an external charger. Once loaded, we return to perform the measurement and you put a 55W lamp. We observe that the voltage will quickly drop to 12v and then will remain in this tension for a period.
If this happens we can say that the battery is good and the discharge was caused by another reason
. If we find that the tension does not stabilize in the 12v needs to be replaced.
In conclusion, so far only been able to verify the status of the battery.


1) Turn the engine running, leave it idling, measure the voltage on battery again and take notice.
2) Accelerate the engine up to 5000 RPM and note in this condition.
3) Compare the values \u200b\u200bwith the graph that follows.

Chart, green line shows a normal and correct operation of the charging system. Tension battery is kept on until the alternator begins to exceed the battery voltage and start charging, to the point where the controller begins to limit the voltage to not generate excessive load. Blue In
shows a load fault condition, the battery powered the
alternator, this may be due to a fault in the alternator (broken wire or short) or a failure in the rectifier or the regulator. Given this situation should be reviewed by both parties as the wiring that links them. Damage caused
: None, but inevitably drain the battery and the bike will not start
In Red shows a situation of excess load. All energy generated by the alternator
provided to the battery and charges, in an uncontrolled manner, the controller fails.
Damage may occur: burning lamps

serious damage to the battery.
And worse, damage to electronic systems, cdi, etc
The voltage regulator should be replaced.

With rated voltage measurement to validate the status of the battery.
By measuring validate charging voltage regulator.
Finally, if the problem persists you should check the electrical installation alternator included.
The alternator can cause overload problems. On failure
only causes problems for lack of cargo.

block diagram of a shunt regulator rectifier device which can be seen inside the dashed lines the different circuits

Friday, January 29, 2010

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surge protection

I always thought that the device that regulates the load called a motorcycle battery regulator and could not be otherwise, is in my view an electronic device rudimentary and unreliable. Many would have happened that one day the bike would not start and without thinking twice have decided to change the battery and everything solved but a few days they meet again with the same problem, it is found that the fault is the regulator and that is when they hear the price and I'll say so, without anesthetic or anything .
So many choose to manufacture their own device and depending on the design of their choice could be that at some point fail to adequately regulate and stop and the worst does not regulate anything and end up frying some electronics.
This protective circuit just after I came to attend a forum to post a regulatory circuit that some were making a home.

The circuit is simple, I have not tested but should work .


The relay is NC (normally closed) when no voltage in the coil, remains closed, allowing power to be delivered from the regulator to the battery
( normal operation) must take into account the intensity that will run on 10 amp contacts would be sufficient.
The thyristor is a zener diode
BT151 18voltios 1 / 2
watt 330 ohm resistors 1 / 4 watt
The diode in parallel with the relay coil 1N4007 is a

Operation During normal operation (the regulator is doing its function) relay contact is closed so the battery charges, all normal.

If the controller fails and loses control, close to 18 volts, voltage appears on pin G of the thyristor, the relay is turned on and off the positive battery regulator and therefore the rest of the electrical circuit bike, will remain in this state as the voltage does not drop. You may Andira
a led to witness in this state.

What Year Will The Chevrolet Tahoe Body Change

Biker Groups in the Canaries

Aguilas Tenerife [Tenerife]

Amigos de la Vespa de Tenerife

Friends Two Wheels Bañaderos
[Gran Canaria]

Friends Bikers By The Face

The Biker Friends [Gran Canaria]

Friends Bikers Musketeers [Gran Canaria]

Amigos Varadero Gran Canaria [Gran Canaria]

Bikers Assoc Board The sheaves
[Gran Canaria]

Motorcyclist Assoc Maxomoteros

Bikers Association [La Palma]

Girls Bikers
[Gran Canaria]

Club HDC Gran Canaria [Gran Canaria]

Honda Club
70 Gran Canaria [Gran Canaria]

70 Honda Club Tenerife

Club Motero MacJoreros

Motorcycle Classics and Ancient Club
[Gran Canaria]

Meek Tenerife [Tenerife]

Canary Desinkietos
[Gran Canaria]

Dragster Moto Group's
[Gran Canaria]

Unlimited Enduro [Tenerife]

Enfermoto Club
[Gran Canaria]

Enterradores Moto Rider's
[Gran Canaria]

Motera Union Federation
Canaria [Canary Islands]

Motero South Coast Group

Biker Group
The Runner [Gran Canaria]

Arucas Warriors [Gran Canaria]

[El Hierro]

HOG Chapter
Las Palmas [Gran Canaria]

Tererife HOG Chapter

Road Riders Motorcycle Group
[Gran Canaria]

The Phoenix

Bikers of Gran Canaria [Gran Canaria]

Telde Bikers
[Gran Canaria]

Tenerife [Tenerife]

Southeast Bikers
[Gran Canaria]

Bikers of Taro [Gran Canaria]

Biker T-22 [Tenerife]

Lizards Moto Club Ruteros
[Gran Canaria]

Bikers Motorcycle Group Top Q5N
[Gran Canaria]

Motoclub 4 Cats [Tenerife]

Motoclub David Domínguez

Motoclub Roque Nublo
Las Palmas [Gran Canaria]

LK Tenerife [Tenerife]

Motoclub Los Angeles
[Gran Canaria]

Motoclub Motomaxs
[Gran Canaria]

Motoclub Lanzarote Nomadic

Motoclub Roque

Vespa Gran Canaria [Gran Canaria]

Peña Motera
Honda 70 Fuerteventura [Fuerteventura]

Motera Road Security Platform
Tenerife [Tenerife]

R.A.T. Triumph Tenerife

Rodeo Biker

Rpm-Hawks [Gran Canaria]

Canary Sector
[Canary Islands]

Teneriders Tenerife [Tenerife]

Territorial of VRAS Canaria (Vulcan Riders Assoc Spain)
[Canary Islands]

The Bullrider Canary
[Gran Canaria]

Troop Guanche Peña Motera
[Gran Canaria]
V-Strom Club
Canarias [Canary Islands]
Vulcan Owners Club Spain
[Canary Islands]