We have become accustomed to it, see what is hidden by day and night, gets heavy in summer and we miss him in the winter, this is an everyday way of see the sun, however, watching it from another perspective, our closely
Closest call a gigantic nuclear reactor and free energy generator that runs for thousands of millions of years, life on this planet would not be possible without it.
Only a very small amount of energy that radiates from the sun into space comes to Earth, a billionth part. Yet this amount is enough energy to power our planet for a year and a half, that if tapped into effectively. The energy that the sun pours during the day on the roof of a median household would be able to supply electricity for 24 hours.
In Germany, for an example, the government subsidizes the installation of solar panels at home, you do not even mention the difference in radiation alone r in that country compared with Spain, let alone with the Canaries, but in our country this kind of subsidy just goes to -called solar farms, bone, a supernegocio of which only the usual benefit.
Humans have used solar energy for centuries. From the seventh century BC, people used magnifying loupes to focus sunlight into beams so hot they could light fires in the wood. More d
and 100 years in France a scientist use the sun's heat to produce steam and jump-start a steam engine.
early last century, many scientists and engineers began researching ways to harness solar energy. An important development was a solar water heater invented by Charles Greeley Abbott, an American astrophysicist, in 1936. But fossil fuels were cheap and easy to remove and to this perspective, the people and governments remained indifferent to the possibilities
ades of solar energy. While we consumed fossil fuels we have forgotten the sun but that is falling on our lives, COMPREHENSIVE warming, depletion of fossil fuels etc etc, is now as stupid desep Erades turn to look at the sun as an energy source that had provided free of charge there for millions of years.
The causes of the winds, evaporation of surface water in the formation of clouds, the rain, its warmth and light are the basis of numerous chemical reactions necessary for the development of plants and animals over the centuries have led to fossil fuels like coal or oil.
Aprova Chandos Free Energy. Background - In 1883 the American inventor Charles Fritts built the first solar cell with an efficiency of 1%. The first solar cell was built using a semiconductor selenium with a thin layer of gold. Due to the high cost of this cell was used for uses other than electricity generation. The applications were for Selenium cell light sensors in the cameras exposure.
The silicon cell used today comes from the American inventor's patent Russell Ohl. It was built in 1940 and patented in 1946.
The modern era of silicon cell arrives in 1954 in Bells Laboratory. Experimenting with semiconductors accidentally found that silicon, when doping, bone, he added impurities was very sensitive to light.
The first
to util ization practice of power generation in solar cells was s first two geostationary satellites, which were equipped with solar panels with only 6% efficiency . The positive results marked a pattern in the development of communications and fotovolaticos panels. The Silicon
cell enters the stage of industry and development begins production technologies. The first step was and still is, more efficient search
panels. This was achieved in 1970, the first solar cell heterostructure gallium arsenide (GaAs) and highly efficient developed in the Soviet Union Zohre Alferov and his research team. I must say that it's highly efficient
is an ornament since the efficiency did not exceed 15%, at this point we must also clarify that only uses the silicon part of the light spectrum, red and near him, the rest is wasted. The most representative
today the use of photovoltaic panels in the aerospace sector is at Station International Space Station. The energy used comes from 16 structures of 72-meter wingspan of 12 meters wide, 864 square meters of solar panels each. No official information from the production of each of the structures. The high efficiency modules for aerospace use is around 20% efficiency. This is in reference to solar radiation on the Earth's surface in the vacuum of space, efficiency is much higher. With this data, each of the structures would provide about 170 Kw / h and the generation of the 16 structures would be about 2.7 megawatts per hour. This photovoltaic modules if they were above ground.
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