Thursday, October 22, 2009

How Does Hematoma Dissolve

Support Advanced Cardiovascular Systems Fundamentals


Unit I

A. Directions

1. Acute Respiratory Failure - Difficulty in inhaling and exhaling.

2. Apnea - the pte is not breathing.

3. Hypoxemia - abnormal decrease the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood.

B. Ventiilador Selection of

1. Positive Pressure - Force inhalation.

2. Negative Pressure - Force exhalation.

C. Fan Types

1. Pressure cycled - are those in which has a control which regulates the amount of pressure that once achieved will kick off the expiratory phase.

Most of them are calibrated in cm of H2O, to establish the duration of the inspiratory phase using the inspiratory flow control which is regulated in liters per minute, bearing in mind that this should not be of more lasting than expiratory phase.

expired volume by connecting a expirometro know what the expiratory valve.

2. Volume cycled - In that case the factor determining step of inspiration to expiration is the default volume. This control of inspiratory volume in turn is related to inspiratory flow regulator, which functions similarly to the pressure-cycled ventilators.

3. flow cycled - The inspiration ends when inspiratory flow falls below a predetermined level, regardless of volume, time or pressure generated. This is the cycling mechanism used in pressure support ventilation, option currently available in most fans.

4. Time cycled - In this type of fans, the transition from inspiration to expiration is determined by the controller that regulates the duration of the inspiratory time. The operation of this is independent of pressure or volume reached and its management is carried out jointly with the flow controls and inspiratory pressure limit. A fixed inspiratory time, inspiratory flow increases cause an increase in tidal volume and vice versa. By limiting inspiratory pressure in a time-cycled ventilator at the time that pressure falls below this limit will not be provided more volume to the patient, but cycling will expire only when it reaches the preset IT.


A. Fan Mode

1. Control - can not breathe on their own efforts

2. Assisted - The inspiration begins when the pte realize a negative pressure.

3. Aided / Controlled - Pte initiate ventilation fan and I will attend.

4. IMV (Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) - Pte breathing spontaneously.

5. SIMV (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) - Machine has sensor, it espra pte ventilation for her to send yours.

B. Bortas modes of Fans (Special)

1. Pressure Support - Helps lower work of breathing.

2. Pressure Control -

3. By Flow - m

4. CPAP -

5. Peep - Application of the positive end of exhalación.

6. complications of mechanical ventilation

i) Barotrauma - is the physical damage to tissues in the body by a pressure difference between air space inside or beside the body and the gas or liquid that surrounds it.

ii) Infections - is the clinical term for the colonization of a host organism by external species.

iii) Atelectasis - is the decrease in lung volume.

iv) Oxygen toxicity - relates to the degradation and reduction of surface active substance and the appearance of non-cardiogenic Pulmonary Edema . Other signs and symptoms that may suggest oxygen poisoning include substernal discomfort, numbness in limbs, dyspnea, anorexia, nasal flaring, restlessness, fatigue, malaise and progressive respiratory distress.

v) damage to the trachea - v

vi) decreased venous return - is when low cardiac output resulting in turn, Hipolovemia, acute venous dilatation.

vii) Decreased Cardiac Output - v



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