ideal gas
To define a pattern of g as serving to establish rules of behavior creates the concept of ga s ideal, the ideal gas satisfies the following conditions:
- occupies the volume of its container.
- is composed of molecules.
- These molecules move individually and randomly in all directions.
- The interaction between molecules is reduced only to its crash.
- Collisions between molecules are completely elastic (no loss of energy trips).
- The shock is instant (the time during the collision is zero.)
gases real, provided they are not subjected to extremes of temperature and pressure very nearly meet the rules established for the gas i dealer.
ideal gas laws
empirical laws have been developed that relate the variables of a gas main on the basis of laboratory experiments performed. In the ideal gas, these variables include pressure (p ), volume (V ) and temperature (T ).
1 .- The law Boyle - Mariotte. This law says that if the temperature remains constant, when increasing the pressure of an ideal gas, its volume decreases in proportion. Ie P 1. V 1 = P 2. V 2
2 .- law Gay-Lussac . This law says that if pressure is maintained constant, the volume of gas No increase in the same proportion as its absolute temperature increases:
3 .- Charles law This law says that if the volume remains constant, the pressure d and a gas increases in the same proportion as its absolute temperature increases:
Refresher Quiz - Unit I
Definitions and terms related to physics.
1. Physics - The branch of science of nature through the scientific method to study the properties of the material, energy and the development of the laws which govern physical phenomena and its evolution over time.
2. Acceleration - is the physical measuring the change in speed over time.
3. Acceleration of Gravity - is meters per second.
4. Heat - A form of energy.
5. Cinematica - Geometry of body movement.
6. Desceleracion - Reduction of speed.
7. Displacement - Action and effect of volume and weight shift.
8. Energia - efficiency, power and virtue to do a job.
9. Energy Kinetics - The body is because of their movement.
10. Inertia - Property of the body at rest.
11. Boyle Law - Whenever the mass and temperature of a gas sample is kept constant, the volume of the gas is inversely proportional to absolute pressure.
12. Charles Act - As the mass and the gas pressure remains constant, the volume of the gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.
13. Mass - Physical quantity expressing the amount of material that contains a body.
14. Pascal - Pressure Newton per square meter.
15. Pressure - Force applied per unit of area.
16. Career - Line described in space by a body moving, and more commonly than is a projectile.
17. Speed \u200b\u200b- Light, promptness of movement.
18. Gravity - Consideration, concentrating all the weight of the body.
19. Matter - Reality primary things are made.
20. Volume - The amount of space occupied by a body.
21. Substance - Any drug, chemical or biological entity.
22. Solid - state of matter in which molecules have a higher degree of collection.
23. Liquid - Body whose molecules have lower collection and higher solids than gases.
24. Diffusion - Gradual mixing of molecules.
25. Fusion - Effect of Heat licuoefaccion.
26. MIST - Depression of liquid droplets.
27. Molecula - minimum unit of a substance that retains its chemical properties.
28. Mol - Simply put, this represents a number.
29. Standard Conditions - Pressure and temperature of a gas volume.
30. Speed \u200b\u200b- simplest kind of straight-line motion
31. job - directed energy exchange resulting in a process.
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