For enthusiasts of home electronic assemblies, it happens that often find circuit diagrams and designs that are of interest, however, doubts assail them whether installation will work correctly or if Instead the author has made a mistake that becomes a job failure several hours.
For the more advanced, just study the wiring diagram, it is relatively easy to tell if the circuit will work as expected. But others, who have no deep knowledge of electronics, but if you are able to interpret the diagram and solder the components properly, they encounter the need to manufacture a PCB (printed circuit board) or printed circuit board.
PCB Home to one of my projects
manufacture at home of a printed circuit can be tedious as you want to achieve certain quality to ensure the success of the project.
Therefore it is necessary that before we launch into this work, first test the circuit to ensure it will work or also to have the possibility to modify and adapt to our needs.
To test the circuits we used the so-called "breadboard".
are known in Castilian as "plates prototypes" and are essentially punched plates with internal connections in rows, so as to form a matrix of holes to which we can directly "click" components to form the desired circuit. As the name suggests, it is to assemble prototypes, casual, never permanent, so test and return to remove the components, leaving the breadboard ready for the next experiment.
Once the prototype working properly, then proceed to design the PCB. If the circuit is going to handle high powers have to be designed pcb tracks, according to the intensity of current flowing through them.
pcb design for high frequency applications, it becomes more complicated because, at high frequencies, stray capacitance can significantly alter the circuit layout or original.
of how to manufacture printed circuit boards, will be discussed in next entries in this blog.
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