Some are simple or sophisticated, more expensive or cheaper, there are even alert you by phone with a call or a message. This is the simplest, cheapest and therefore no longer effective.
can use a siren or horn.
trigger switches are NO (normally open)
can still use mercury switches are two terminals and a ball of liquid mercury by touching the contacts close the circuit.


The circuit operation is very simple, once armed the alarm with the main switch, goes to standby.
When any of the trigger switch is closed, the relay is activated and this in turn closes the contacts of the siren or horn, the relay is automatically anchored by the diode D2, but reopened the trigger which caused activation. Just no way to disable the switch off, or general assembly.
can be installed in parallel as many switches as desired shot.
The circuit operation is very simple, once armed the alarm with the main switch, goes to standby.
When any of the trigger switch is closed, the relay is activated and this in turn closes the contacts of the siren or horn, the relay is automatically anchored by the diode D2, but reopened the trigger which caused activation. Just no way to disable the switch off, or general assembly.
can be installed in parallel as many switches as desired shot.
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