portable observation as an interface Calculation
The main interface of modern scientific development comes on the heels of thermodynamics and hydrostatics of the nineteenth century, two branches of physics responsible for analyzing the encounter between different elements. Subsequent developments quantum and relativity, added a new depth to its definition. The new physics, especially since the model proposed by Einstein, stressed the importance of considering the observation in the dynamics of the observed world, without treating it as an addition to this strange world. Our senses are good As part of this interface:
"Our senses are surfaces that form a common border between our inner and outer parts of matter and space. The surfaces of our senses are active and allow transgressions between "internal matter and space" and "external matter and space." Time is the domain required to pass through areas of our senses. "
quantum theory says: "An interface is an entity that forms the common border between two parts of a system and as a means to exchange information between those parties. By convention, a party the system is called "observer" and the other "object." Information between the observer and the object is exchanged through the interface and through symbols. Any exchange of information is called as such. "
order to establish an accurate description of the world we observe is necessary to create a space for exchange of information that permits: a kind of permanent checkpoint and durable" One of the positions held to describe any object is what is describable remains in stasis (equilibrium between two opposing forces). If the object varies directly describable in the process of description, no one can expect a complete identification of the given object as the changes yet to come will force us to constantly update the description. "
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