screens and interfaces, portability, expansionism
"What happens is that the machine does not get tired," complained a local Congolese in 1883, when he could not pursue, fed up rowing, steamboats that sailed up the Congo River.
Western portability is expansionary, but now carried to the four corners of the world individually. The unification of protocols, standards and interfaces in the overall use of ICT makes mobile users to custom Trojan horse of a bulimic and not a little anarchy of information systems whose main enemy is not themselves recognize. And those who are attacked without mercy: "The engine and radio are the lifeblood of our divisions of tourists, who are trained or simulate the blitzkrieg."
The interface is the magnet, the pole that attracts and condenses all of our communication. And around creates system, urbanization and structure. Kittler has found that "the digitization of information eliminates the differences between individual means. The sound and image, voice and text are reduced to surface effects, known to consumers as interface. " Vivian Sobchack culture has analyzed this interface to the view that "television, video cassettes, tape recorders and video players and personal computers all form an inclusive representational system whose various forms" interfacializan "to be an absolute world alternative that incorporates the viewer / user to an off-state spatially Timed weakly and almost disembodied. " Enzensberger, years ago, also viewed as a system interface to a total unification process, "Satellite News, color TV, cable TV, cassettes, video tapes, video recorders, videophones, stereo, laser techniques, electrostatic processes playback, high speed electronic printing, composition and learning machines, microfiches with electronic access, print, radio, time-sharing computers, data banks, all these new media are constantly forming new connections among themselves and with media older as print, radio, film, television, telephone, teletype, radar, etc. All of them are clearly coming together to form a universal system. "
In the extreme culture of connectivity, the reality becomes an apologetic catalog of all technological objects "to consume an object, one consumes all," said Richard Stivers, because only one reflect all the others, thanks to the unification provided by the interface. Is no stranger to this the fact that the process of concentration and standardization has led to users to design the experience consumption on a comparable basis, as has shrewdly sensed the historian Brian Winston. The homogenization produced by the unification of standards involves a radical rejection of the users of lines that are not continuous, as when Coca-Cola had to suspend its attempt to change the taste of your product, to see how true masses took to the streets to protest. It is still interesting to see how attitudes are activated binding, socially speaking, only when the standards are jeopardized. Nor is it insignificant that this happens almost exclusively in the commercial domain.
The standard interface is more than simple communication and display spaces. They are really a social technology, a standard political and cultural relations. Jacques Ellul in the sixties spoke of how technology integrates into the machine in society: "Build the kind of world that the machine needs and introduces order where the clatter of machinery incoherent debris threat. Clarifies, organizes and streamlines ago in the realm of the abstract what the machine did in the domain of work. It is efficient and brings efficiency to everything. "Interface is the fat that we have built machines to adopt a logical sense in the social mentality, even for the show to be lived as" social space " to allow interpretation codes are viewed as horizontal and inclusive.
addition, the digital language, the main promoter of the modern importance of the interface, it is imperative, essentially for reasons of "security." Everything that is not digital should be digital: "The more complicated a device manufactured by traditional engineering methods, their flaws become more unpredictable, catastrophic and difficult to solve," he has sensed the Mexican writer Naief Yehya. Analog technology is beginning to be perceived in terms problematic as it can get to curtail the communicative fluency within the system. The nature of the "analog" is seen as a retarder, since it is not created around the "necessary" organic conditions of growth and progress. The shift from analogue to digital in the mobile domain confirms this. Gilles Deleuze proposed the metaphor of "filum mechanical" as the self-organizing process by which elements of the universe reach a critical point and begin to cooperate to form a higher-level entity. Yehya, following this route, points to a fundamental idea in this sense: the process of organization of modern communication is perceived as organic, natural. Items Simple join in a process of communion, to produce more complex organisms, as if we tried to biology. Those elements that do not provide this complexity should be separated. The vision of a Darwinian-based technological change is an organic relationship between the various formats and media (overlapping, passing the baton, interfacializándose) results in a total mechanical biological concept of discourse. No wonder, then, that the discovery of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)-the main finding of the sixties-create what has been called the "information paradigm" information as an organizing principle for itself: "The genetic code was the code, and transmission became the preferred way of approaching all sorts of information." The term "paradigm", in fact, was established as a standard in science since 1970, the philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn used the term to describe "those scientific achievements which are universally known for some time, provide model problems and solutions a scientific community. " Kuhn himself and sensed the potential analogies of "paradigm" in the technological development of the time.
In this atmosphere of inclusiveness, not only just judging what is operational or not in terms of the necessary dependence on system factors, but also condemns the very concept of autonomy, something they like it or not technophiles continues to pose a major hindrance to further development of the empire. Because history also shows that not always the creation of standards has been possible, and that possibilities exist to circumvent it. In 1875 he created in Paris the International Agency of Weights and Measures. However, there are still many differences in the use of measures in different countries and regions. The burning question of the different rail gauges was many countries, including Spain, to adopt national strategies on the issue, such as automobile driving on the left in Britain. The continents are using different voltages, different light sockets, etc. The continental battle for the television standard has resulted in multiple systems, mutually incompatible: PAL, NTSC, SECAM, etc. Microsoft's monopoly is being countered by the day. English, although prevalent, is closely watched by other languages \u200b\u200bwhich are receiving increasing international attention as the Castilian and Arabic, etc.
cases are huge, so many that at first glance, appear to put the trend solfa mandatory standards. Certainly it is a mirage, given the apparent exponential growth of common codes worldwide. However, the maintenance of many of these "cases" indicates how far the vaunted lines of globalization are more difficult to expand from which it must be assumed. Marketing strategies (and nationalist pressure) have much to say in the creation of such barriers: with them, protect markets from possible invasion from the competition (the "regions" of the DVD formats, television systems, etc) . But to what extent we can not consider some of these universal brake systems as simple results of the will of social and cultural groups to maintain cultural identity against the global flood? Why not consider the difference in electrical voltage in the same way we perceive the culinary and linguistic differences between various cultures and societies? Often, the obsession with the standardization of communication systems leads to acculturate social backgrounds that gave them life. The contemporary enthusiasm for the connectivity seems to have become anathema to local or regional systems: does not seek the creation of interfaces, but imposing some specific.
The pursuit of integrated interface promises a perfect space model where all possible experiences, without distinction of countries, cultures or classes. However, to build that kind of "scratch space", is applauded as necessary to eradicate all vestiges of local cultural logic, those that existed in pre-laptop, those that still exist today, "hindering" a truly integrated communication .
To avoid such inoperative braking in achieving ubiquity and mobility within a fully colonized world, the powers of surveillance made sustained efforts to create supra than a universal umbrella offer individuals the opportunity to operate wherever and under whatever circumstances. In 1978, the U.S. Army launched into space on NAVSTAR (Navigation System with Timing And Ranging), the first of a series of 24 satellites, with ground receiving stations, form a system of fixing position at planetarium (latitude, longitude and height) with a maximum margin of error of 20 meters. Since launching in 1994 of the latest satellite schedule, the system is known as Global Positioning System or GPS. All the satellites are controlled at Falcon Air Force Base, Colorado. Not until 1980 were allowed access to civilian industry to some GPS applications such as mobile telephony and mapping. At GPS, we follow a myriad of satellites in the U.S., Europe and Japan, almost exclusively devoted to civilian communications.
integration The show ends up being an aesthetic, a tecnoestética: "Everybody sees the same world changed, you experience the same total environment. The phantasmagoria assumes the position of a natural and objective fact: it becomes a social norm. Addiction compensatory sensory reality ends up being a form of social control. " Social control, which is observed not only in the field of mass media, but in the actual structuring of a global labor system and supposedly idyllic.
The evolution of standards in systems of machines around the world makes things potentially ubiquitous inhabitants: they can go wherever they want, fully synchronized: they can find personal and professional horizons, but also can be moved to where either because they know how to use the machines. The case of labor exploitation by technology companies is a good example of how knowledge of assembly techniques of local workers has led to the displacement of the industry to other continents in search of cheap labor, or has caused the recent internal migration in Southeast Asia, Mexico, Brazil, or Morocco at a smaller scale. There, the maquiladoras, or assembly companies and manufactured components from the matrices American, European or Japanese, have made much of the economic output of the 90's. The mobility offered by a company in the promise of constant time-space experience ideal, exciting and spooky, is assumed by many workers as the fragility of a rootless and miserable working hours.
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