Leibniz is one of the first researchers to build machines to calculate, in a little closer to the own speed. These machines deployed buttons and wheels, so that the relationship with the calculation is simplified greatly. But apart from the mathematicians, who simplified the job well?
Leibniz calculating machine, 1694
In 1649, Pascal Blais built the first mechanical calculator to facilitate the work of his father, state tax collector.
Pascal's calculating machine, 1649
Hermann Hollerith, an official of the Office of the U.S. Census, he was commissioned in 1890 to design a machine that can reduce the qualifying time tax data and census. Census data in 1880 it took 9 years to be compiled. The "Tab" Hollerith was carried out in 2 ½ years, and used punch cards 56,000,000. And as a historical joke, years later, we find Einstein working employee in the Berne Patent Office, as elaborated the fundamental principles of modern physics.
Hermann Hollerith Tabulator, 1890
The evolution of reliable techniques for recording and archiving has almost always responded to specific institutional needs: the census, census, fiscal monitoring, passport offices the establishment of networks of secret information secure both political and military police, the analysis of periodic cycles, whether natural or macro (with its complex variables), but above all, has been the scientific need which dictated the technical model that currently prevails, as it was in the service of your check, it was somehow their guarantor.
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