Thursday, October 22, 2009

4 Dpo Strange Taste In Mouth



a. System Fundamentals Pressure

1. Ventilation - act of moving or directing the movement of air to a certain porposito.

2. Inspiration - Movement for introducing air into the lungs.

3. exhalation - is the phenomenon or since the inspiration, which air dureante found in the lungs out of them. It is a passive phase of breathing, because the chest is retracted and reduce us all diameters, without the intervention of the contraction muscle.

4. Diaphragm - muscle separating the chest from the abdominal cavity.

5. Intratoraxica Pressure - Determine that the airways will be progressively narrowing.

b. Volumenes Pulmonares

1. VT - Tidal volume

2. ERV - Volume exhalation Reserve

3. RV - Volume Reserve

4. TLC - Total Lung Capacity

5. IC - inspiratory capacity

6. FRC - Functional Residual Capacity

7. VC - Current Volume


a. Respiratory Gas Exchange

1. Pressure Atmospheric - is the one that holds the air atmosphere or on Earth.

2. intrapulmonary pressure - is equal to that of the atmosphere (760 mmHg at sea level) at the end of inspiration and expiration. When you start inspir ation, intrapulmonary pressure decreases and that they enter the air (758 mmHg) as the flow enters the pressure equalizes until the intrapulmonary pressure is increased (762 mmHg) and forces the air out .

3. intrapleural pressure - It's always negative or less than atmospheric (-3mmHg) at the end of inspiration.

b. Transportation blood gases

1. Erythrocytes - are the blood cells containing hemoglobin inside.

2. Hemoglobin - A protein that contains iron which gives blood its red color and is where carries oxygen.

BONUS: Make table of volumes and skills with their sums.


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