Sunday, October 18, 2009

Css-high Launch Options



Fan Mode



2. Assisted

3. Aided / Controlled

4. IMV (Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)

5. SIMV (Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation)

B. Bortas Modes of Fans (Special)

1. Pressure Support

2. Pressure Control

3. Flow By


a) Directions

b) Hazards

c) Guidelines and Criteria

d) Implementation


a) Directions

b) Hazards

c) Objectives

d) Contraindications

e) Implementation

6. Security and Alarm System

a) different types of alarms that have the fan

i. Increased Pressure Alarm

ii. Low Pressure Alarm

iii. Expiratory Volume

iv. Oxygen

v. IE Ratio

7. Volume Control Parameters

a) function

b) Formulas for calculating the tidal volume and other parameters

c) Controls

i. Respiratory

ii. oxygen

iii. sensitivity

iv. Sighs

v. Pressure

vi. Flow

vii. modes

viii. Alarms

ix. Humidity

8. Goals of mechanical ventilation

a) Improve ventilatory work

b) Decrease respiratory work

c) improve cardiac work

d) gas distribution

e) improve oxygenation

9. Emergency Parameters Starting patients on mechanical ventilation

a) VT

b) RR

c) FIO2

d) Modes

10. Guides y la ventilación Hince Criteria for Mechanical

a) PH

b) PCO2

c) inspiratory effort

d) Tidal Volume

e) Minute Volume

f) PO2

g) RR

11. support and psychological preparation of patients on mechanical ventilation

a) Guidance

b) Support

c) Compression

d) Stabilization

12. factors that make the patient struggles with the Fan

a) secretions

b) Reduced oxygen fraction

c) Cough Pulmonary edema

d) reactions of patients

e) Spasms

f) Nausea

g) In cooperator

13. Complicaciones Mecanica de la ventilación

a) Barotrauma

b) Infections

c) Atelectacia

d) oxygen toxicity

e) Damage to the trachea

f) Decreased venous return

g) Disminución del cardiac output


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