Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Penis Size Brent Corrigan

Electricity Electric voltage, electric current, electrical resistance

voltage supply

is customary to analyze the good name of the concept is understood. Apply this to the case at hand: voltage. According to its name is a tension, but electric type. Tensions there are of many types, the clearest to "see" are the mechanical stresses. Consider for example a flexible steel blade initially in a resting position. In such conditions, the film is not subjected to stress or tension (mechanical). If the sheet is flexed clear that now it is under tension (mechanical). This tension is manifested in the form of an effort (force) that seeks to restore the system to its equilibrium state. But what does this have to do with the voltage? As the voltage is primarily a voltage. This tension is experienced electrical loads, and thus the electrically charged bodies. Whenever two bodies there is a power imbalance will be present Electric-type strain (the known voltage), ie there will be forces that seek to establish an electrical balance How? For as electrical charges. How can we know how strong is this tension, "that is, how can we measure the value of stress? As with a number. The larger the number in absolute value the stronger the stress, ie the force that electric charges are subject. And how to know that a number indicating the value of a voltage? As adding a unit of measurement, a surname. The unit of measurement of electrical voltage is the volt (V). Thus, the greater the voltage (in absolute value) existing between two bodies, parts, parts of a circuit, etc.. the greater the force that electric charges experience, and therefore the greater the tendency to the occurrence of such a rearrangement of electric charges to reduce the stress to which they are subjected. Actually, the voltage can be positive or negative sign depending of the electrical charges involved.

V ol v by going to use a simile to define the electric current could be used in a river or pipe through which flows a stream or "flow" of water a "flow ".

Electric current is simply the flow of electric charges (usually electrons) through the heart of a more or less conductive material (even if electric currents can flow in a vacuum, for example inside the tube a television picture.) A concept closely related to the electric current intensity is electrical power, or simply intensity. The current concept is to quantify (ie, measure) how big or small is a certain power. The larger the number indicated by higher intensity electrical current, ie the flow of cargo by the driver. The intensity has its own unit of measurement. This is the amp , denoted by A. An intensity of 1 A is equivalent to about 625 x 10 16 electrons per second flowing through a section of a conductor. The relationship between current and intensity is so strong that the name used to refer to current intensity and vice versa, with in practice, a synonym for another. Thus, it is normal to find expressions like "a current of 0.2 A" , or this one "the current flowing through the circuit is ..." , none of them not being strictly correct, but accepted by all.

The name says it all. The electrical resistance, or simply resistance is a physical effect that affects the electrical current. This is an opposition or difficulties presented by these materials to electric current flow. There is no single physical mechanism that explains the resistance, but basically we can attribute to the charge-carrying particles do not move freely within the conductor material, but in their course colliding with stationary atoms forming the material. Thus, in many cases particles are bounced or diverted from its original path (straight), ceding part of its kinetic energy to the structure of the material and thus causing a warming of the latter.
The electrical resistance may be higher or lower in each case. To understand the value of this resistance is used the unit of measurement known as Ohm, denoted by the Greek letter omega (Ω
). The ohm is defined as the value of an electrical resistance such that by applying a voltage of 1 V there is a movement of an electric current of 1 A. Obviously, the greater the resistance for a given voltage, the smaller the value of the intensity of electrical current flowing through it. We can also say that for a particular value of resistance, the higher the voltage applied at its ends more current flowing through it.


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